Check what data you need to provide to register trainees manually

This information is mainly for school centred initial teacher training providers (SCITTs) that use this service to manually register their trainees.

You’ll need the following information about a trainee to register them manually in Register.

Personal details

  • First names
  • Middle names
  • Last or family name
  • Date of birth
  • Sex
  • Nationality
  • Personal email address

Diversity information (optional)

If the trainee chose not to share this information during the application process, do not ask for it for the purpose of registering them.
  • Ethnicity
  • Disability


If it’s a UK degree

  • Type (for example, BA or BSc)
  • Awarding institution
  • Subject
  • Grade
  • Graduation year

If it’s not a UK degree

  • Country where the degree was obtained
  • Subject
  • UK ENIC comparable degree (if provided)
  • Graduation year

Course details

If it’s a course on Publish teacher training courses

  • Which Publish course
  • Subject specialisms
  • Full or part time
  • ITT start date
  • Expected end date

If it's not a course on Publish teacher training courses

  • Primary or secondary
  • Subjects
  • Age range
  • Full or part time (not for assessment only)
  • ITT start date
  • Expected end date

If it's a course leading to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS)

  • Full or part time
  • ITT start date
  • Expected end date

Trainee start date

Trainee start date

Lead partners and employing schools

These are only required for School direct and Teaching apprenticeship routes.

Funding details

Whether the trainee is on a training initiative

For courses with bursaries, scholarships or grants available

  • Whether you’re applying for a bursary for the trainee
  • Whether you’re applying for a grant for the trainee
  • Whether the trainee is applying for a scholarship

Placement details

  • School or setting URN if known
  • Placement school name
  • Placement school postcode