News and updates


Updating how you recommend trainees for qualified teacher status (QTS) or early years teacher status (EYTS)

18 July 2024

We’ve updated the way you recommend trainees for QTS or EYTS in Register trainee teachers (Register).

Your trainees’ degree fields in Register are now ‘mandatory’. You must submit accurate data into these fields before you can recommend your trainees for QTS or EYTS.

This update applies when you recommend a trainee within their trainee record, and when you recommend multiple trainees at the same time, using the bulk recommend tool.

If you need help meeting these requirements, email us at

Get ready to submit your school placements data in Register

29 November 2023

You’ll be asked to include school placement data in the next performance profiles sign off in Register.

The next performance profile sign off period will start in December 2023 with a deadline of 31 January 2024.

You’ll be asked to sign off performance profile data for registered trainees with a course outcome in the 2022 to 2023 academic year.

Type of placement data you must have in Register

Each trainee with a course outcome in the 2022 to 2023 academic year must have a minimum of 2 school placements.

You’ll need to check you have the placement school URN, if known, otherwise the school name and postcode.

Next steps for SCITT training providers

If you keep a separate list or spread sheet of school placement information, make sure you include the school’s Unique Reference Number (URN).

If you do not have the URN, you’ll need the school or setting name and postcode.

Next steps for HEI training providers

We’ll import the URN for all HEI trainee placements from the student collection into Register so that you do not have to re-key this information again.

We aim to complete this by late December 2023. You do not have to do anything at this stage.

You’ll be contacted by early January 2024 to let you know when the import is complete. You can then:

  • check for any gaps in your placement information in Register
  • update any missing placement information in Register

Why collecting placements data is important

Trainee teachers need varied classroom experience and must have taught classes to pupils in two schools prior to the award of Qualified Teacher Status. This is called ‘placements’.

If we collect placement data in one place, we can analyse and use it to inform policy decisions, and help providers find placements more efficiently and effectively.

Access previous funding information

5 October 2023

You can now view and download funding information from previous academic years in Register.

Go to the ‘Funding’ tab to select from a list of ‘Payment Schedules’ or ‘Trainee Summary’ by academic year.

In Payment Schedules you can:

  • download a CSV file by academic year
  • view payments by month
  • view running totals
  • view predicted payments
  • view payment types

In Trainee Summary you can:

  • download a CSV file by academic year
  • view by payment type
  • view payment type breakdown by route or course, number of trainees, amount per trainee and totals

Submit ITT trainee data through HESA

11 September 2023

The 2023/24 HESA data collection system is now open.

Training providers can start submitting their ITT trainee data to the DfE through HESA.

This trainee data will be imported from HESA into the Register trainee teachers service (Register).

Find out how to register trainees through HESA.

Create draft trainee records in Register for the 2023 to 2024 academic year

4 August 2023

SCITTs, and HEIs with trainees that do not go through HESA, can now start creating draft trainee records in Register for the 2023 to 2024 academic year. You can either register your trainees immediately or wait, and register them closer to the start of their course.

Applications from Apply for teacher training (Apply) with a ‘recruited’ status will also be imported into Register as draft records. From 4 August, applications will import into Register every day at 4am. You should not need to manually duplicate applications from Apply into Register.

Include reasons for withdrawal in Register

17 July 2023

Training providers can now include further detail on why ITT trainees choose to withdraw from their course.

Providers can select one or multiple reasons for withdrawal as appropriate.

Find out how to withdraw, defer, reinstate or recommend a trainee for QTS or EYTS.

Bulk recommend trainees for QTS or EYTS

5 June 2023

You can now recommend multiple trainees at the same time for QTS or EYTS.

Read about how to bulk recommend trainees.

This service has replaced the TRA initial teacher training provider portal

2 June 2023

Higher education institutions (HEIs) must now use this service instead of the provider portal to:

  • withdraw trainees who are no longer training for qualified teacher status (QTS) or early years teacher status (EYTS)
  • defer trainees or reinstate them when they return to training - you can also do this through the Higher Education Statistics Authority (HESA) service if you used it to register the trainee
  • recommend trainees for QTS or EYTS
Read about how to withdraw, defer, reinstate or recommend a trainee for QTS or EYTS.