Register trainees manually in this service
Training providers can register their trainees manually in the Register trainee teachers (Register) service by creating draft trainee records and adding the required data.
To prepare for adding trainee records manually check what data you need to provide.
How trainees are grouped on the Register homepage
When you sign into Register you will see ‘Draft trainees’ and ‘Registered trainees’ sections on the homepage.
‘Registered trainees’ are grouped by the following ‘training statuses’:
- ‘Course not started yet’ - trainees who are registered but their course has not started
- ‘In training’ - all trainees currently doing training, excluding those on courses that have not started or are deferred
- ‘Currently deferred’
- ‘Awarded this year’ - all trainees awarded QTS or EYTS in the current academic year
- ‘Incomplete records’ - registered trainees that are missing data
Get a teacher reference number (TRN)
Once a draft is complete, you can register and request a TRN for each trainee record. This is when the trainee becomes registered with the Department for Education (DfE).
Trainees will receive their TRN from the DfE by email.
Trainee records imported from the Apply for teacher training (Apply) service
When an application reaches the ‘recruited’ status in Apply, it will be imported into Register. If an application has any conditions set, it will only reach the recruited status in Apply once all conditions have been met.
Applications from Apply will import into Register every day at 4am. This is called the ‘Apply integration’.
Applications imported from Apply into Register will become draft trainee records. You can find these records on the homepage under ‘Draft trainees’ at the link called ‘View draft trainees imported from Apply’. You should not need to manually duplicate applications from Apply into Register.
On a trainee record from Apply you’ll see:
- the course the trainee applied for
- the trainee’s personal details
What to do with draft records from Apply
To register trainees that come from Apply, you’ll need to check if their data is correct and add any further data about their training. This can include:
- checking their course is correct (if their course has changed, you can update this in Register)
- fixing any mistakes that you know of
- providing any further training data, such as if the trainee will get funding or who their lead or employing school will be
Note, once an application is imported into Register, any changes you make to the application in Apply (after it’s in ‘recruited’ status) will not show in Register. Changes to trainee data in Register will also not reflect in Apply. At the moment, our integration only works to bring applications into Register.
Check your trainee data to make sure it’s correct
There are 3 ways to check trainee data in Register. Choose whichever one of the following that suits you:
- Use the new ‘Reports’ section and export a CSV of your new trainees for the current academic year
- Export a CSV of your trainees in the ‘Registered trainees’ section, using the ‘start year’ filter to select the current academic year
- Check your trainees directly in the service one by one